Click here for a short summary of the issue. Click here for a detailed timeline.
See also the Pension Rights Center website.
Click here for ex-St. Peter's CEO John Matuska's 2011 letter to the IRS.
Click here for ex-St. Peter's VP of HR Bruce Pardo's 2011 letter to the IRS.
Haga clic aqui para verun resumen del problema en español.

Monday, December 26, 2011

No Reply

In September 2010, former Saint Peter's CEO and current pension plan participant John Matuska wrote current CEO Ronald Rak, stating his concerns about the hospital's "church plan" strategy. When no reply was forthcoming after four months, Mr. Matuska wrote Bishop Paul Bootkoski of the Diocese of Metuchen and Monsignor David Malloy of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in January 2011. To date, Mr. Matuska has received no reply to these communications. It's unclear why Mr. Rak and the other esteemed personages have deemed the former CEO's concerns unworthy of a reply. Read the letters below:

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